Jean M. Fitamant is a former technical and industrial photographer, trainer of photographic technicians from the scientific police and the Judicial Identity services, former responsible of the imaging in an institute of forensic medicine in Europe, part-time professor of photography technology in a Parisian school, owner of an industrial and technical photo studio and a medical image processing laboratory. He studied at the École Nationale Louis Lumière and also holds a D.U. in forensics obtained at the Department of Medical Law and Forensic Medicine of the René Descartes University of Paris V, and studied Criminal Sciences at the Faculty of Law of Strasbourg. He did his thesis on scientific UV and IR photography processes in clinical and thanatological forensic medicine and published papers on scientific photography in establishing evidence in criminal research at an international forensic conference.
Jean left the world of autopsy photography and criminal identification to make a turn to an entirely different career.
Today he is a photography enthusiast and traveler, a happy husband, a father of five wonderful children, and a proud grandfather of 6. He is now in charge of institutional communication and international digital marketing on behalf of exceptional companies working in the field of natural supplements.
In addition, he is also co-founder and administrator of the ACCS (Association of Certified Health Advisors) which brings together a set of professionals from the natural world and nutrition, and teaches healthy and intelligent nutritional behaviors to adults and young people.
He is also actively involved in a Church at the level of communication.